Agenda for Regular Meeting

02/20/2025 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting with Anchor Location In-Person and Remote Participation

Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 N. French Street – Wilmington, DE  19801

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report 

Non-Legislative Business

a. Recognition Resolutions

Bracy                          Recognize First Ascent (10 Year Anniversary)
Cabrera                      Recognize Dominican Republic Independence Day
Oliver                          Recognize Sara Smith (100th Birthday)
Oliver                          Recognize Tyrone Robinson
Oliver                          Recognize Philadelphia Eagles (Super Bowl LIX)
Spadola                       Recognize Daniel Sheridan (Stitch House Brewery)
Spadola                       Recognize Robert Snowberger (Stitch House Brewery)

b. Sympathy Resolutions

All Council                 Sympathy Ann Marie (Buckley) Carney
Oliver                          Sympathy Chakeya P. Smith

Public Comment

The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #0010 - Ord. 25-004
1st & 2nd Reading 2/20/2025; Referred to HEA&D
An Ordinance to Temporarily Suspend the Issuance of Business Licenses for Retail Marijuana Stores

Synopsis:        This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance temporarily suspends the issuance of business licenses pursuant to City Code Section 5-36 for “retail marijuana stores,” as defined in Title 4, Section 1302 of the Delaware Code, for a period of ninety (90) days while the City determines how to amend the Zoning Code regarding recreational marijuana-related uses and/or whether to amend Chapter 5 of the City Code to prohibit retail marijuana stores.

Petitions and Communications

Adjournment or visit the WITN22 website or WITN YouTube channel at or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 847 6382 5874 and then #.  International numbers available: