Agenda for Regular Meeting
03/20/2025 6:00 pm
Virtual Meeting with Anchor Location In-Person and Remote Participation
Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 N. French Street – Wilmington, DE 19801
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mayor’s Budget Address
Approval of Minutes
Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
Non-Legislative Business
Public Comment
The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.
Legislative Business
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance sets the property tax rate for Fiscal Year 2026 (July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026) based on the certification by the Board of Assessment of the assessed valuation of taxable real property in the City and the Mayor’s estimates of revenue measures necessary to balance the City budget as required by the City Charter. The property tax rate has been changed from 21.1500 mills to 4.5577 mills. The new rate of 4.5577 mills was calculated so that when applied to the new 2024 assessed values that resulted from the recently completed general property value reassessment done by New Castle County, there is no change in the Fiscal Year 2026 projected total billed property tax revenue to the City when compared to Fiscal Year 2025, prior to when the general property value reassessment was done.
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance enacts the Capital Program for the six Fiscal Years 2026 – 2031, inclusive.
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance enacts the Fiscal Year 2026 Capital Budget.
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance enacts the annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2026.
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance enacts water, sewer, and stormwater charges and rates for Fiscal Year 2026.
Petitions and Communications
Adjournment or visit the WITN22 website or WITN YouTube channel at or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 832 5885 2340 and then #. International numbers available: