Wilmington, Del – Wilmington City Council President Dr. Hanifa Shabazz and Councilman Ernest “Trippi” Congo, Chair of Council’s Health, Aging & Disabilities Committee, invites and encourages residents to attend the next meeting Wilmington City Council’s Health, Aging & Disabilities Committee. The Committee will meet on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the first floor of the Louis L. Redding City/County Building.
Wednesday’s agenda will focus on senior services and safety with presentations from representatives from the Wilmington Senior Center and Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA). More specifically, Kathleen Purcell, Acting Executive Director of the Wilmington Senior Center will present on the wide range of programs and services offered to help seniors experience healthy and independent aging, manage chronic disease effectively, and reduce the economic insecurity that plagues 1 in 3 older adults.
Wednesday’s meeting will also feature a discussion with Karen Spellman, Acting Executive Director of the Wilmington Housing Authority and Roger Turk, WHA Director of Development regarding the status and condition of elevators in WHA properties – and specifically high-rise building throughout the City.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend, ask questions and share input. Transportation is available for residents of the following WHA properties: Baynard, Crestview and Park View Apartments. Residents interested in receiving transportation to the meeting must sign-up at the main office of their respective buildings. Those unable to attend are invited to view the meeting live on WITN, Comcast Channel 22, or stream live online and on replay at