City Council on WITN22

Wilmington Information Television Network

The Wilmington Information Television Network (WITN), Cable 22 is a government access cable television station. Its purpose is to provide Wilmington residents with direct non-editorial information about city governmental deliberations, services, programs and activities and to provide other programs for informational and educational purposes.

The city began full-time operation of WITN in February, 1991. In July of 1992 the Office of Cable and Communications was established to manage its operation and to create programming. Programming ideas are developed by the office and can also be suggested by city departments.

Most programs aired on WITN are produced in-house, however, some are received through outside sources. The regular programming schedule includes the live telecast of Wilmington City Council. A character generated message board including information about city services and programs, departmental phone numbers and other pertinent city related information runs in between video programs. The cable office also produces numerous specials, public service announcements and documentaries.

Go to the WITN 22 website to watch programs online and to view the program guide