Standing Committees

City council operates under a committee system with 8 standing committees. The president of council is an ex-officio member of all standing committees. Committee Chairs and members are appointed by the President of Council.

Committees hold open meetings to discuss the issues before them and make reports and recommendations to the full body of council. The committees’ recommendations usually are adopted by council. Therefore, citizens wishing to be heard on issues are encouraged to voice their concerns at the appropriate committee meetings.

Following are the committees of council for 2025 through 2028.

Community Development & Urban Planning

Chair: Maria D. Cabrera
Vice Chair: Shané N. Darby

Nathan Field
Alexander D. Hackett
Yolanda M. McCoy
Coby J. Owens
Christian Willauer

Education, Youth & Family Services

Chair: Latisha Bracy
Vice Chair: Alexander D. Hackett

Michelle Harlee
Yolanda M. McCoy
Zanthia Oliver
Coby J. Owens

Finance & Economic Development

Chair: Michelle Harlee
Vice Chair: Latisha Bracy

Shané N. Darby
Alexander D. Hackett
Zanthia Oliver
James Spadola

Health, Environmental, Aging & Disabilities

Chair: Coby J. Owens
Vice Chair: Christian Willauer

Maria D. Cabrera
Nathan Field
Alexander D. Hackett
Chris Johnson


Chair: Shané N. Darby
Vice Chair: Latisha Bracy

Christian Willauer

Public Safety

Chair: Yolanda M. McCoy
Vice Chair: James Spadola

Latisha Bracy
Shané N. Darby
Chris Johnson
Zanthia Oliver

Public Works & Transportation

Chair: Zanthia Oliver
Vice Chair: Nathan Field

Chris Johnson
Coby J. Owens
Christian Willauer

Cable, Video and Telecommunications Commission

Chair: Ernest “Trippi” Congo, II
Vice Chair: Latisha Bracy

Maria D. Cabrera
Coby J. Owens


Note: Unless otherwise stated, President Ernest “Trippi” Congo, II is Ex-Officio Member for all committees.

Established on January 7, 2025, per RES. 25-002 – A Resolution Establishing Standing Committees for the 109th Council Session which was Adopted on 1/7/2025