Wilmington City Council 107th Inaguation - 4th District M HarleeMichelle Harlee - Council Member 4th DistrictMichelle Harlee - Council Member 4th DistrictMichelle Harlee - Council Member 4th District

Michelle Harlee

4th District Council Member


Michelle Harlee is a lifelong resident of the City of Wilmington. She attended Wilmington High School, Springfield College and International Christian University (now Liberty University). She has been employed at DuPont for 35 plus years. Her current role is a Certified ISO 9001 Lead Quality Auditor.

Although Michelle has worked for one company for many years, she considers herself having had three successful broad careers and has held many positions at DuPont. She is Six Sigma Certified. She started in Marketing, moved to Finance and is currently in the Quality Organization. She has been an ordained Elder for 16 years and an Adjunct Instructor at New Destiny Bible Institute for 8 years.

Michelle is a proud Mother and Grandmother. She loves spending time with her family and friends; Her loving siblings and her village of 9 as she calls them (her adult twin daughters, Son in law, Son in law to be, and 5 talented grandchildren Kennedy, Max, Queen, Beckham and King.

Michelle has been serving as a leader at work, in the community, and at her church for many years. To name a few of her dedicated work, community, and church affiliations and accomplishments:

  • Coach for new DuPont Sourcing Interns and Co-ops
  • Board Member of Stepping Stones Credit Union
  • Established “Polish Me Perfect” Grooming Classes for Women in the community
  • Board Member of New Destiny Fellowship Church
  • President of Compton Park Square Homeowners Association
  • 4th District Neighborhood Planning Council – Interim VP
  • East Side Blue Print & East Side Rise Community Benefits Agreement Committee
  • East Side Civic Association Leader
  • 4th District Democratic Wilmington City Committee Member
  • 4th District Wilmington City Committee Panel of Disputes

As 4th District Councilwoman Michelle is committed to voicing the concerns of her Constituents while working with Stakeholders, and developing Public and Private Sector relationships. This vision includes working in solidarity with her council colleagues to assure our city budget is on more solid ground by ascertaining current budgets, spending plans and assuring we are solvent. Assure legislation balances our Middle class economic slippery slope, and address disenfranchisement of low income family’s disparities. Look for possible elimination of redundancies. Maintain and attract new businesses and people to stay especially Millennials. Support businesses and venues beyond normal business hours. Continue to sponsor and support Tourism. Maintain property tax incentives, provide more playgrounds, and family friendly milieu. Assure safety and protection by advocating for community policing, police department foot patrols, neighborhood specific policing tactics, targeting of known drug corners and locations. To curtail crime, consider reforming existing law enforcement resources, and better application of City department resources for Constituents. Also, encourage safe community events to foster neighborhood connectivity. These are some of Michelle and her Constituents thoughts on moving the 4th District and the City of Wilmington forward!

Standing Committees of Council

Council Member Harlee is a member of the:
• Personnel Committee (Chair)
• Finance & Economic Development Committee (Vice Chair)
• Intergovernmental Committee

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