PRESS RELEASE – Empowering Community Association Leaders: Join Council Member James Spadola and Deputy Attorney General Chris Curtin for a Comprehensive Training Session

Monday, August 26, 2024

Empowering Community Association Leaders: Join Council Member James Spadola and Deputy Attorney General Chris Curtin for a Comprehensive Training Session
This event promises to be an invaluable resource for Community Association Leaders.

Wilmington, DE – Community Association leaders throughout the City are invited to participate in a targeted training session designed to enhance their understanding of legal rights, responsibilities, and processes essential for managing common interest communities. This event, co-hosted by At-Large Council Member James Spadola and Deputy Attorney General Chris Curtin, promises to be an invaluable resource for leaders striving to navigate the complexities of community governance.

Event Details
Date: Monday, September 23, 2024
Time: 6 p.m. (Duration: 1.5 hours)
Location: Louis L. Redding City County Building, 800 N French St, Wilmington, DE 19801
Cost: FREE

During this comprehensive workshop, Deputy Attorney General Christopher Curtin of the Attorney General’s Office will provide in-depth insights into the legal framework governing civic and homeowner’s associations. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively manage and lead their associations, ensuring their communities remain harmonious and compliant with the law.

“We are excited to offer this targeted training session to our community leaders,” said At-Large Council Member James Spadola. “Our goal is to empower association leaders with the information they need to create well-managed, legally sound communities.”

Deputy Attorney General Chris Curtin added, “Understanding the legal basis for and differences among community associations is important for association leaders. This workshop will provide practical information about the responsibilities and rights that come with ownership in and governance of community associations including Condominiums, homeowner’s associations and voluntary civic associations.”

This training session is a must-attend for anyone involved in the leadership of community associations. Attendees will leave with a clearer understanding of their legal obligations and the confidence to lead their communities effectively.

For more information about the event or to register, please email At-Large Councilman James Spadola at


Yesenia Taveras
Director of Communications,
 Wilmington City Council
Office: (302)576-2585
Mobile: (302)757-5748
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