Agenda for Regular Meeting

04/19/2018 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business


  • Sympathy Wilmer T. Johnson, Jr.
  • Recognize Edward L. Loper, Sr.


  • Recognize Mt. Sinai Mortgage Burning Program


  • Recognize the Wilmington Achievers Program (Delaware Chapter of the Links Inc. and the Wilmington Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity)
  • Sympathy Mozzela Marshall


  • Retirement Mark Sparagna (14 Years)
  • Recognize April – Autism Awareness Month


  • Retirement Wilmington Police Officer John Burns

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #4508 - Ord. 18-016
Pending; Referred to PW&T
An Ordinance to Approve the Removal of Portions of West 27th and 28th Streets from the Official City Map (

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the removal of portions of West 27th and West 28th Streets from the Official City Map.


Agenda Item #4509 - Ord. 18-017
Pending; Referred to PW&T
An Ordinance to Enact Certain Traffic/Parking Regulations

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance approves various traffic and parking regulations in the City.

Agenda Item #4510 - Res. 18-028
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for May 17, 2018 on the Proposed Amendments to the Browntown/Hedgeville Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing regarding the proposed amendments to the Browntown/Hedgeville Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan on May 17, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Agenda Item #4511 - Res. 18-029
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for May 17, 2018 on the Proposed Amendments to the South Wilmington Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing regarding the proposed amendments to the South Wilmington Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan on May 17, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.


Agenda Item #4512 - Res. 18-030
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for May 17, 2018 on the Proposed Annexation and Rezoning of Properties Located at South Market Street, South Walnut Street, Garasches Lane, and South Madison Street

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing regarding the proposed annexation and rezoning of the properties located at 800 South Market Street, 810 South Market Street, 800 South Walnut Street, 0 Garasches Lane, and a separate but adjacent property also known as 0 Garasches Lane, being Tax Parcel ID Nos. 10-001.00-015, 10-001.00-016, 10-001.00-077, 10-001.00-019, 10-001.00-020, 10-001.00-22, 26-057.00-050, as well as the property located at 787 South Madison Street, being Tax Parcel ID No. 07-040.30-001, on May 17, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.


Agenda Item #4513 - Ord. 18-018
Pending; Referred to CD&UP
An Ordinance to (1) Annex and Rezone the Following Eight (8) Parcels of Land: (A) Territory 1, Being 800 South Market Street (Tax Parcel ID No. 10-001.00- 015), 810 South Market Street (Tax Parcel ID No. 10-001.00-016), 800 South Walnut Street (Tax Parcel ID Nos. 10-001.00-077, 10-001.00-019, and 10- 001.00-020), 0 Garasches Lane (Tax Parcel ID No. 10-001.00-022), and a Separate but Adjacent Property also Known as 0 Garasches Lane (Tax Parcel ID No. 26-057.00-050), Containing Approximately 4.51 Acres Contiguous with the City Boundary in the Vicinity of the South Wilmington Analysis Area, NewCastle County, Delaware From New Castle County H I (Heavy Industrial) Zoning Classification to City of Wilmington M-1 (Light Manufacturing) Zoning Classification; and (B) Territory 2, Being 787 South Madison Street (Tax Parcel ID No. 07-040.30-001), Containing Approximately 3.72 Acres Contiguous with the City Boundary in the Vicinity of the Browntown/Hedgeville Analysis Area, New Castle County, Delaware From New Castle County H I (Heavy Industrial) Zoning Classification to City of Wilmington W-2 (Waterfront Manufacturing/Commercial) Zoning Classification; and (2) Amend the Boundaries of the Fourth Councilmanic District, the Official Building Zone Map, and the Supplemental Building Zone Maps to Add the Annexed Territories into the City’s Corporate Boundaries

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance provides for the annexation and rezoning of 800 South Market Street, 810 South Market Street, 800 South Walnut Street, 0 Garasches Lane, and a separate but adjacent property also known as 0 Garasches Lane, being Tax Parcel ID Nos. 10-001.00-015, 10-001.00-016, 10-001.00-077, 10- 001.00-019, 10-001.00-020, 10-001.00-022, and 26-057.00-050, containing approximately 4.51 acres contiguous with the City boundary in the vicinity of the South Wilmington Analysis Area, New Castle County, Delaware (collectively, the“South Wilmington Parcels”) from New Castle County H I (Heavy Industrial)zoning classification to City of Wilmington M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zoning classification. This Ordinance also provides for the annexation and rezoning of 787 South Madison Street, being Tax Parcel ID No. 07-040.30-001, containing approximately 3.72 acres contiguous with the City boundary in the vicinity of the Browntown/Hedgeville Analysis Area, New Castle, County Delaware (the“Browntown/Hedgeville Parcel”) from New Castle County H I (Heavy Industrial)zoning classification to City of Wilmington W-2 (Waterfront Manufacturing/Commercial) zoning classification. In addition, this Ordinance amends the description of the Fourth Councilmanic District, the Official Building Zone Map, and the Supplemental Building Zone Maps to add the annexed South Wilmington Parcels and the annexed Browntown/Hedgeville Parcel into the City’s corporate boundaries.


Agenda Item #4514 - Res. 18-031
Defeated As Amended
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for June 7, 2018 on the Proposed Amendments to the Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan for the East Side Analysis Area

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing regarding the proposed amendments to the East Side Neighborhood Comprehensive Development Plan on June 7, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Agenda Item #4515 - Res. 18-032
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing on the Rezoning of Two Blocks (Seven Parcels) Bounded by Front, Walnut, Second, and Lombard Streets from C-2 to C-3 Zoning Classifications

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing regarding the proposed rezoning of two blocks (seven parcels) of land bounded by Front, Walnut, Second, and Lombard Streets in Downtown Wilmington (Tax Parcel ID Nos. 26-043.40-051, 26-043.40-203, 26-043.40-055, 26-043.40-054, 26-043.40-053, 26-043.40-050, and 26-043.40-141) from C-2 (Secondary Business Commercial Centers) to C-3 (Central Retail) zoning classifications on June 7, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.


Agenda Item #4516 - Ord. 18-019
Pending; Referred to CD&UP
An Ordinance to Rezone Two Blocks (Seven Parcels) of Land Located in Downtown Wilmington within the Area Bounded by Front, Walnut, Second, and Lombard Streets from C-2 (Secondary Business Centers) to C-3 (Central Retail) Zoning Classifications

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance rezones two blocks (seven parcels) of land bounded by Front, Walnut, Second, and Lombard Streets in Downtown Wilmington, being Tax Parcel ID Nos. 26-043.40-051, 26-043,40-203, 26-043.40-055, 26-043.40- 054, 26-043.40-053, 26-043,40-050, and 26-043.40-141, from C-2 (Secondary Business Centers) to C-3 (Central Retail) Zoning Classifications.