Agenda for Regular Meeting

04/21/2016 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business

All Council

  • Sympathy New Castle County Councilman Joseph M. Reda
  • Recognize Scott AME Zion Church 141st Anniversary
  • Sympathy Reverend Willie Forace Smith Tymes
  • Recognize Paul Calistro 25th Anniversary at West End Neighborhood House
  • Recognize Rev. Dr. Gloria M. Snipes, Pastor, Scott AME Zion Church

D. Brown

  • Sympathy Apostle Dr. Richard Milton Avant, Jr.
  • Sympathy Nathaniel “Mase” Mangrum


  • Recognize Brother Chris Posch of the Catholic Diocese


  • Recognize Paul Fedorkowicz

Gregory/M. Brown

  • Sympathy Olivia P. Shaw


  • Commend Veronica F. Oliver


  • Recognize Dr. Jack P. Varsalona


  • Commend The Peace Drums Steel Band
  • Congratulate Johnnie B. Wilson, Kenneth Brown and Thomas James Ford

Legislative Business

Hanifa G.N. Shabazz: 4th Councilmanic District

Agenda Item #4198 - Resolution 16-031
Encouraging All Cities to Stand United in Support of Local Authority and Inclusiveness in the Face of Actions by Some States that Preempt Local Authority

This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be supporting the position of the National League of Cities (NLC) which has asked all cities to stand united in support of local authority in the face of actions by some states that preempt local authority. The NLC’s position followed passage of North Carolina House Bill 2 that was intended to counter the decision of the City of Charlotte (North Carolina) to expand its anti-discriminatory laws affecting the LBGT community and others. This resolution reasons that if states can usurp local authority, then efforts by local officials to legislate subjects such as wage equality and immigration reform will be stifled.

Agenda Item #4166 - Ordinance 16-010
Authorize an Extension to City Contract 14045WDPS, Fire Hydrant Testing and Rehabilitation Services with Utility Service Co., Inc.

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Administration, through the Department of Public Works, to extend, for one additional year, the contract with Utility Service Company, Inc. (USC), for the inspection, water flow testing and rehabilitation of the City’s approximately 2,500 fire hydrants. The original contract with USC became effective last March and contained two, one-year contract extension periods. The City will pay USC $386,920 (the same amount as the first year of the agreement) for the second year of the agreement which is scheduled to begin on or about March 12, 2016.

Agenda Item #4167 - Ordinance 16-011
Authorize an Extension to City Contract 14046WDPS, Valve Inspection, Exercising and Rehabilitation Services with Utility Service Co., Inc.

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Administration, through the Department of Public Works, to extend, for one additional year, the contract with Utility Service Company, Inc. (USC), for valve inspection, exercising and rehabilitation services. The original contract with USC became effective last March and contained two, one-year contract extension periods. The City will pay USC $386,920 (the same amount as the first year of the agreement) for the second year of the agreement which is scheduled to begin on or about March 12, 2016.

Theopalis K. Gregory: President (Dorsey Walker presented on behalf of Gregory)

Agenda Item #4192 - Ordinance 16-021
Close a Portion of Liberty Street (Proposed Site of the Wilmington Skate Plaza)

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing a portion of Liberty Street to be closed based on the recommendation of the Departments of Public Works and Planning. The City Planning Commission approved the recommendation at its March 15, 2016 meeting.

Charles M. "Bud" Freel: 8th Councilmanic District

Agenda Item #4199 - Resolution 16-032
Authorize the Department of Parks and Recreation to Accept Grant Funding from Various Entities to Assist with the Renovations of Conaty Park

This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be supporting the renovation of Conaty Park which is located on Gilpin Avenue near DuPont Street. Specifically, this Resolution authorizes the Administration to accept grants that will be used for the project. The grants include $20,000 from the Wilmington Housing Authority, $20,000 from the Delaware Center for Horticulture and $67,000 from the State of Delaware’s Community Transportation Fund. There are no matching funds required for any of these grants.

Agenda Item #4200 - Ordinance 16-024
Referred to Committee
To Amend Chapter 2 of the City Code Regarding the Term of the City’s Active Depository, M&T Bank

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing an extension of the current agreement between the City and M&T Bank for the bank to serve as the City’s active depository for banking services. Based on a recommendation of the City’s bank Selection Committee, the agreement, set to expire on June 30, 2016 would be extended to June 30, 2020.

Agenda Item #4201 - Resolution 16-025
To Amend Chapter 2 of the City Code in Order to Authorize the City’s Treasurer Access to the Budget Reserve Account Funds at the End of a Fiscal Year and Replenishment of the Budget Reserve Account Funds in the Ensuing Fiscal Year for Fiscal Year 2016

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be extending the authorizing of the City Treasurer through Fiscal Year 2016 to access funds from the City’s Reserve Account needed for City expenditures and to then to replenish the Account on or before October 1, 2016.