*Note: No Legislative items this evening.
The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website https://tinyurl.com/wccpubliccomment081822 to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.
Note: In accordance with the enactment of Delaware General Assembly Senate Bill 94, members of the public are invited to participate in the meeting either in person in the Council Chambers or virtually by accessing the meeting as follows:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81431238779 or visit the WITN22 website http://www.witn22.org or WITN YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/WITN22Wilmington/ or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 814 3123 8779 and then #. International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kHVlb8lXD.