Agenda for Regular Meeting

01/09/2014 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business

Non-Legislative Business

D. Brown 

  • Congratulate Anna Hargraves
  • Sympathy Lucy Davis

M. Cabrera

  • Sympathy Paulina Burgos

D. Walker 

  • Moorish Americans Celebration Week

B. Freel

  • Sympathy Sophie C. Krzyzanowski

R. Williams 

  • Retirement Master Corporal Alvin Boardley

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #3876 - Ord. 13-038
(3rd & Final Reading) Passed
Constituting Amendment No. 2 to the Fiscal Year 2014Operating Budget (Being an Ordinance to Amend SubstituteNo. 1 to Ordinance No. 13-013, As Amended), the Ordinance Adopting the AnnualOperating Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning on July 1, 2013 and Ending on June 30, 2014

Synopsis: This Ordinance is an amendment to the FY 2014 General Operating Budget. It is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing a series of funding changes to the current City operating budget. The changes include adding $350,000 to the budget for animal control services, adding $100,000 to the Mayor’s Contingency Fund and adding $30,000 to the Council’s budget for consultants in the areas of policy, finance, legal issues or the current process of a TPO to provide leased access/public access television services to Wilmington citizens.

Agenda Item #3890 - Ord. 13-045
3rd and Final Reading PASSED
Approve and Authorize the Financing of a Project for the Community Education Building Corp.; Making Certain Findings with Respect Thereto; Authorizing the Issuance of City of Wilmington Revenue Bonds and Authorizing Other Necessary Action

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City to assist the Community Education Building Corporation (CEBC) in converting the former MBNA Bracebridge IV Building into a facility to allow for the operation of up to four charter schools. Specifically, the Council would be authorizing the City to assist with financing through the City’s Revenue Bonds Series 2014 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $35 million. If approved, the City would assist the CEBC in refinancing an interim loan, financing a portion of renovations, funding a debt service reserve fund and paying costs associated with issuing the Bonds.


Agenda Item #3892 - Ord. 14-001
1st and 2nd Reading
An Ordinance to Enact Certain Traffic/Parking Regulations at Specific Locations in the City (

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration and Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing signage indicating new or revised traffic or parking regulations along 24 streets throughout the City. The Ordinance would also rescind parking or traffic regulations along seven streets in the City. The complete list of changes is available in the Ordinance at


Agenda Item #3885 - Ord. 13-042
3rd and Final Reading PASSED
Amend Chapter 40 of the City Code as it Relates to City of Wilmington Take Home Vehicles

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be amending City Code to require that all City-issued government vehicles which are designated as “take home” vehicles for City employees must carry the City’s official seal on the front doors on either side of each vehicle. With this Code revision in place, the only City employees who would be exempt from displaying a City seal on their take home vehicles are three elected officials—the Mayor, the City Council President and the City Treasurer—as well as the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, City Council’s Chief of Staff and police officers who carry out their official duties using undercover or unmarked vehicles.

Agenda Item #3891 - Ord. 13-046
3rd and Final Reading PASSED
Authorize a Service Agreement with Nixle, LLC for an Internet-Based Public Emergency Communications System

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Wilmington Police Department to enter into a three-year contract at $16,274.92 per year with Nixle, LLC for Nixle 360, an internet-based public emergency communications system that would replace the Department’s current
“reverse 911” emergency notification system. Nixle 360 will provide enhanced reverse 911 services as well as a police tip line service to include text messages and photographs. In addition, the Nixle 360 service will provide access to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s public alert and warning system and is integrated with and various social media platforms.