- Sympathy Vancount E. Roane
- Sympathy Delois Portis
- Sympathy Soror Doris E. Sorden Laws
- Sympathy Anna Elizabeth Wing
- Sympathy Monica M. Jones
- Sympathy Jeffery A. Snow
- Sympathy Stanley Bartkowski
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance approves various traffic and parking regulations in the City.
Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution expresses strong support from the Wilmington City Council for the passage of Senate Bill 39 which prohibits the indefinite suspension of driver’s licenses of those Re-Entering Society from incarceration and giving the Courts the power to take into consideration a person’s ability to pay and where necessary grant modifications or waivers to such court mandated fees, fines, costs, or assessments thereby reducing the financial burdens on defendants and their opportunities to find lawful employment and meet their financial and societal obligations.
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to enter into a five-year contract with Rehrig Financial Services fort the lease of, and option to purchase, municipal solid waste containers.
Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. In this Resolution, the City Council recognizes that the Chief of the Police Department has represented that the manpower of the Police Department will fall below ninety-five percent of the number of police officers set forth in the position allocation list attached to the fiscal year 2020 annual operating budget ordinance by the end of 2019 and has drafted a resolution calling for the commencement of an academy class for the Police Department once manpower falls below the requisite threshold.