Agenda for Regular Meeting Revision

01/11/2018 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business


  • Sympathy Keanan Samuels


  • Sympathy Mable E. Cephas
  • Sympathy Donald L. Baker
  • Sympathy James “Easy” Webster, Jr
  • Sympathy Alberta G. Riley


  • Sympathy Marietta Corbett Beatty
  • Recognize Kevin Smith (Habitat for Humanity of New Castle County)
  • Sympathy Robert K. Black


  • Sympathy Joseph Bruce Brunozzi

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #4457 - Ord. 17-049
Passed (1/11/18)
To Enact Certain Parking Regulations

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance approves various parking regulations in the City.

Agenda Item #4461 - Ord. 17-054
Passed As Amended (1/11/18)
To Enact Certain Parking Regulations

This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance approves various parking regulations in the City.


Agenda Item #4447 - RES. 18-001
Adopted (1/11/18)
A Resolution to Name the Indoor Basketball Court at the William "Hicks" Anderson Community Center the "Matt Chifium Court"

This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, City Council would be approving the naming of the indoor basketball court at the William “Hicks” Anderson community Center the “Matt Chittum Court”.

Agenda Item #4458 - Ord. 17-050
Passed (1/11/18)
Amend Chapter 36 of the City Code Regarding Weapons and Related Offenses to Include Imitation Firearms

This ordinance is being presented by city council for Council’s review and approval. This ordinqnce amends Chapter 36 of the City code to include a new Section 36-168 that addresses the sale to and possession of imitationfirearms by minors, as well as markings required to be on imitationJirearms byfederal and other laws. This ordinance prohibits: I) the sale of an imitation/irearm to a minor; 2) the possession of an imitation firearm by a minor, except under the direct supervision of a parent or legal guardian; 3) the removal or obstruction of the orange plug required by federal law for certain imitation/irearms, or any other colors or markings required to be on an imitationfirearm under city, state, or federal law; and 4) the possession of an imitation firearm on which the blaze orange plug required by federal law or any other colors or markings required byany city, state, or federal law have been removed or obscured.

Agenda Item #4465 - RES. 18-002
Adopted (1/11/18)
A Resolution Supporting Efforts by the State of Delaware to Prevent and Reducethe Proliferation of Illegally-Obtained Firearms

This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, this Resolutionwould support efforts by the State of Delaware to help prevent and reduce the proliferation of illegally-obtained firearms.


Agenda Item #4466 - RES. 18-003
Adopted (1/11/18)
A Resolution Encouraging the State of Delaware to Establish a Statewide Straw Purchase Education Program

This Resolution is being presented by City Council for council’s review and approval. If approved, this Resolution would encourage the State of Delaware to establish a statewide straw purchase prevention education program to provide resources and direct grant money to the “Don’t Lie for the Other Guy Program” and similar program that offer straw purchase prevention education.


Agenda Item #4464 - RES. 18-004
Adopted (1/11/18)
A Resolution to Approve Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Wilmington and the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1 Captains and Inspectors for the Term of July 1,2017 through June30,2020

This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution approves the Collective Borgaining Agreement between the City of Wilmington and the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1 Captains and Inspectors for the term of July I, 2017 through June 30, 2020.