Agenda for Regular Meeting Revision

01/16/2020 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business

All Council      Recognize Howard High School Football Division II State Champions

*The agenda has been revised to reflect revised sponsorship on agenda #4759.

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #4758 - Ord. 20-003
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to CD&UP
An Ordinance to Enact A Temporary Moratorium on the Issuance of New Business Licenses to Liquor Stores Seeking to Operate in the Third Councilmanic District

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance enacts a temporary 120-day moratorium on the issuance of new business licenses to package stores selling alcoholic beverages, such as spirits, wine, and beer, within geographical boundaries of the Third Councilmanic District. The purpose of this temporary moratorium is to allow sufficient time for City Council to research whether the Third Councilmanic District is oversaturated with alcohol retailers.

*SHABAZZ (Johnson presented on behalf of Shabazz)

Agenda Item #4759 - Ord. 20-004
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to PW&T
An Ordinance to Adopt the Major Subdivision known as “South Road Connector” and Accept the Dedication of an Unnamed City Street Between the South Walnut Street Access Road and Garasches Lane to be Added to the Official City Map

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance approves the South Road Connector Major Subdivision and accepts the dedication of an unnamed street connecting the southern side of Garasches Lane to the South Walnut Access Road.


Agenda Item #4667 (Rev. 1) - Ord. 19-030 (Sub. 1)
3rd & Final Reading - Passed As Amended
Authorize an Energy Performance Contract for LED Street Lighting Between the City of Wilmington and Seiberlich Trane Energy Services

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to enter into a twenty-year energy performance contract (the “Contract”) for upgrading the City’s existing street lights to a new, smart technology LED street light system beginning on February 1, 2020 at an estimated total price of Two Million, Two Hundred Ninety-Four Thousand, Eight Hundred Eighty-Three Dollars ($2,294,883). The Contract will enable the City to realize a long-term energy efficiency by reducing the energy consumption of the City’s street lighting system by an estimated seventy percent (70%). The Contract will also create an estimated yearly cost savings to the City of One Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Thirty-Eight Dollars ($154,038) and an overall cost savings to the City of between Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) and Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000).


Agenda Item #4747 (Rev. 1) - Ord. 19-054 (Sub. 1)
3rd & Final Reading - Passed
Amend Chapter 36 to Repeal Begging and Panhandlling Provisions from the Wilmington City Code

Synopsis:  This Substitute Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Substitute Ordinance amends Chapter 36 of the Wilmington City Code by deleting Section 36-68(b)(3) relating to the crime of loitering for the purpose of begging and Sections 36-221 through and including Section 36-227 relating to the regulation of panhandling. It also reduces the fines that may be imposed for violations of the remaining provisions of Section 36-68 related to loitering.   


Agenda Item #4754 - Ord. 19-055
3rd & Final Reading - Passed
Authorize a Multi-Year Amendment of Contract 15055DFPS (Parking Citation Processing and Collection Services) Between the City of Wilmington and Conduent State and Local Solutions, Inc.

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to enter into a multi-year amendment (the “Amendment”) to Contract 15055DFPS for parking citation processing and collection services with Conduent State and Local Solutions, Inc. (the “Contract”), which: (1) adds certain goods and services to the Contract, including an online citation appeals portal, replacement of all handheld devices with upgraded devices and GPS technology, and full collection services; (2) extends the Contract for 2 years and 2 months commencing on the date of execution of the Amendment at an estimated price of $100,206.00 per month (which will increase by 2 ½ percent every 12 months after execution of the Amendment) plus 30% of net revenue from collection efforts; and (3) provides for 2 additional extensions of 1 year thereafter at the same price.

GUY (Turner presented on behalf of Guy)

Agenda Item #4760 - Ord. 20-005
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to F&ED
An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance of the City’s General Obligation Bonds, In One or More Series on a Tax-Exempt and/or Taxable Basis, In Order to Provide the Funds Necessary to Refund Certain Outstanding General Obligation Bonds of the City; Providing for the Sale of the Bonds; and Authorizing Other Necessary Action

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the City Treasurer for City Council’s consideration and approval and authorize the issuance of up to $50,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the City’s General Obligation Bonds in order to finance certain outstanding debt of the City for possible, present value savings up to $7,000,000.


Agenda Item #4761 - Res.
A Resolution Authorizing a Grant to Christina Cultural Arts Center

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by City Council Member Samuel L. Guy for Council’s review and approval. As stated in Section 2-369 of the City Code, City Council authorization is required for Council member Samuel L. Guy to award a $1,000 grant to the Christina Cultural Arts Center, Incorporated, from his portion of City Council’s Discretionary Fund. In order to provide this grant, this           Resolution must be passed by City Council.