Agenda for Regular Meeting

01/19/2017 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business

All Council

  • Recognize Chris Johnson


  • Recognize Nathaniel Milton


  • Sympathy Lois Margolet

Legislative Business

Hanifa Shabazz: President (Mr. Freel presented on behalf of President Shabazz)

Agenda Item #4315 - Ordinance 17-001
Enacted but not codified
Constituting Amendment No. 6 of the Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget (Being an Ordinance to amend Substitute No. 1 to Ordinance No. 16-018, As Amended) by making changes to the Position Allocation Lists for the Offices of the Mayor and City Treasurer and the Department of Planning and Development, including the Executive and Managerial Salary Structure Matrix
Agenda Item #4316 - Resolution 17-004
Confirming the appointment of Earl T. Jeter as City Auditor
Agenda Item #4317 - Resolution 17-005
Confirming the appointment of Luke Mette as City Solicitor
Agenda Item #4318 - Ordinance 17-002
Referred to the Finance & Economic Development Committee
To authorize City Contract 17006HRPS – Limited Services Employment with Integrity Staffing Solutions, Inc.

Samuel L. Guy, Esq.: At Large

Agenda Item #4319 - Resolution 17-006
Urging the Wilmington Parking Authority to rename the Wilmington Parking Authority after William H. “Dutch” Burton, or take other appropriate action
Agenda Item #4320 - Resolution 17-007
Requesting the names of outstanding Wilmington students from school districts
Agenda Item #4321 - Resolution 17-008
To maintain the structure and size of Wilmington City Council