Agenda for Regular Meeting Revision

05/02/2019 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business


  • Recognize Youth in City Government Day Participants


  • Sympathy James Henderson


  • Recognize Department of Parks and Recreation 2019 Tennis in the Streets and 2019 Senior Health & Fitness Day


  • Sympathy Clarice C. Jackson
  • Sympathy Adrionna Burgos


  • Best wishes Reverend Theressa Jeanette Webster Holmes “Tessie” 65th Birthday
  • Sympathy Joyce Roane
  • Sympathy Carolyn Carroll


  • Sympathy Laura Jean Harden

Note: Youth in City Government Day

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #4652 - Res. 19-013
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for June 6, 2019 on the Proposed Rezoning of 700 Lea Boulevard from R-2 (One-Family Detached Dwellings and One-Family Semi-Detached Dwellings) to R-5-A-1 (Low-Medium Density Apartment Houses) Zoning Classifications

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing on June 6, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding the proposed rezoning of 700 Lea Boulevard (Tax Parcel ID No. 26-009.10-002) from a zoning classification of R-2 (One-Family Detached Dwellings and One-Family Semi-Detached Dwellings) to a zoning classification of R-5-A-1 (Low-Medium Density Apartment Houses).

Agenda Item #4653* - Res. 19-014
A Resolution Scheduling a Public Hearing for June 6, 2019 on the Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Development Plan for the Northwest Analysis Area

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. This Resolution schedules a public hearing on June 6, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers regarding the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Development Plan for the Northwest Analysis Area.


Agenda Item #4654* - Ord. 19-026
1st & 2nd Reading- Referred to F&ED
An Ordinance to Amend Chapters 4, 5 and 34 of the City Code to Increase the Rental Dwelling Unit Business License Fee; Provide for Civil Fines for Owners of Rental Properties and Vacant Properties; and Increase Vacant Registration Fees

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance amends Chapter 5 Section 5-101 entitled “Schedule of Fees” by amending the section to increase the business license fee for rental dwelling units to $100 per unit, not to exceed a total business license fee of $10,120.00.  This Ordinance amends Chapter 34 of the City Code by changing the enforcement of Chapter 34 with respect to vacant and rental properties from criminal enforcement to civil enforcement with civil fines for non-compliance. The Ordinance also makes additional changes to update and modernize Chapter 34. In addition, this Ordinance amends Chapter 4 by deleting Section 4-27, 119.0 (authorization for exterior improvements to vacant structures) and Section 4-27, 120.0 (annual vacant property registration fees), and incorporates these provisions into Chapter 34. Further, this Ordinance amends the annual vacant property registration fee provisions (previously found at Chapter 4, Section 4-27, 120.0; now located at Chapter 34, Section 34-210) to: (1) increase the registration fees for properties vacant 3 or more years; (2) require registration of buildings vacant for 6 consecutive months rather than 45 consecutive days; (3) impose a civil fine of $500.00 for failing to register a vacant building within 30 days of the required time to register; (4) exempt vacant buildings owned by the Wilmington Neighborhood Conservancy Land Bank Corporation (“Land Bank”) from registration requirements; and (5) provide that purchasers of a vacant building from the Land Bank be billed a vacant registration fee based on the duration of vacancy from the time he or she received the building from the Land Bank, rather than a vacant registration fee based on the duration of the vacancy prior to receiving the building.