Agenda for Regular Meeting

10/03/2013 6:30 pm

Non-Legislative Business

D. Brown Sympathy              Emma M. Williams

M. Brown/D. Brown             Sympathy James Leroy Thomas, Jr.

Cabrera                                    Sympathy Deborah Murphy Sloan

Chukwuocha/Gregory          Recognize Our Time Inc. – Annual Life Line Speaker Series

Dorsey Walker                        Best Wishes Olivia Johnson – 102nd Birthday

Shabazz                                    Recognize U’Gundi Jacobs – Before & After Entertainment

Shabazz                                    Congratulate Sparks Champion Basketball Team

Shabazz                                    Sympathy Carmen Marie Ross

Williams                                  The National Alliance on Mental Illness Delaware – 30th Anniversary

Williams                                  One Corner At A Time

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #3856 - Res. 13-055
A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of 2300 Carter Street to Harriett Tubman Safe House for Use as a Side Yard

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Real Estate and Housing (RE&H) to transfer the title of a vacant City-owned lot at 2300 Carter Street at no cost to the Harriet Tubman Re-entry Program for use as a side yard. The Tubman Program already owns 2302 Carter Street and has, at its own expense, previously improved the condition of the vacant lot at 2300 Carter Street, beautifying what was a neglected property.

Agenda Item #3864 - Res. 13-056
A Resolution Authorizing the Department of Real Estate and Housing to Dispose of 608 Vandever Avenue for Use as a Side Yard to Kywanna Bost

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Real Estate and Housing (RE&H) to transfer the title of a vacant City-owned lot at 608 Vandever Avenue to Kywanna Bost so she can use the property as a side yard. The RE&H Department has determined that the City no longer has any use for the property. This property went through the standard RE&H disposition/RFP process and Ms. Bost was the only applicant for the property which she will pay the City $3,000.

Agenda Item #3865 - Res. 13-057
A Resolution Authorizing the Department of Real Estate and housing to Accept a Donation of 617 E. 22nd Street from US Bank National Association Trustee

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Real Estate and Housing (RE&H) to accept title to a property at 617 East 22nd Street from US Bank National Association Trustee to the City. RE&H would rehabilitate the property and then sell the property for owner-occupied home ownership. While there is no cost to the City for the property, the City would pay any recording fees associated with the property transfer.


Agenda Item #3847 - Ord. 13-028
3rd & Final Reading - Passed
Authorize City Contract 13080PWPS - Intelligent Single-Space Parking Meter Technology with Duncan Parking Technologies, Inc.

Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City to enter into a one-year contract with Duncan Parking Technologies, Inc. totaling $179,340 for the purchase and installation of 200 “smart or intelligent” single space parking meters. The new parking meters will provide citizens with a variety of flexible payment options (credit card/mobile phone apps), will enable the City to monitor the meters in “real time” to improve operation and maintenance, and provide more flexibility, from a technology standpoint, to change hourly parking rates in the future. The contract also allows the City to purchase additional “smart” meters from the vendor at fixed unit prices for a period of five years. The vendor was awarded this contract at the completion of a recent City RFP process.

Agenda Item #3866 - Res. 13-058
A Resolution Approving the Filing of a Grant Application by the Department of Public Works to the State of Delaware through a Surface Water Matching Planning Grant for the Development and Implementation of a Surface Water Improvement Project to Include Planning and Modeling within the South Wilmington Wetlands

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Public Works to apply for a $50,000 State of Delaware grant for the planning and modeling of a surface water improvement project related to the South Wilmington Wetlands Project which Council approved a few weeks ago. The City would be required to provide a 50% match if it were successful in obtaining the State grant.

Agenda Item #3867 - Res. 13-059
A Resolution Authorizing the Department of Public Works to Accept Grant Funding from the Dupont-Chichester Foundation through the Nature Conservancy of the State of Delaware for the Acquisition of Property to Create the South Wilmington Wetlands

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Public Works to accept a $20,000 grant from the DuPont Chichester Foundation through the Delaware Nature Conservancy to assist the City with the purchase and conservation of property to create the South Wilmington Wetlands Project. There is no other expense to the City related to the acceptance of this grant.


Agenda Item #3859 - Res. 13-060
A Resolution Authorizing the Department of Real Estate and Housing to Accept a Donation of 117 North Harrison Street from Wells Fargo Bank

Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration (Real Estate and Housing Department, RE&H) for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing RE&H to accept title to a property at 117 North Harrison Street from the Wells Fargo Bank at no cost to the City. In addition, the bank will pay all settlement costs associated with the property and will donate $40,000 to the City to be used to stabilize and maintain the former nuisance property. RE&H will solicit proposals from the community for the property’s future use as part of RE&H’s regular property disposition program.