Agenda for Regular Meeting

10/03/2024 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting with Anchor Location In-Person and Remote Participation

Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 N. French Street – Wilmington, DE  19801

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Committee Reports

Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report 

Non-Legislative Business

a. Recognition Resolutions

Cabrera           Recognize Marcia Stephenson (Delaware Center for Horticulture)

Cabrera           Recognize Jocelyn Rodriguez (National Hispanic Heritage Month)

Cabrera           Recognize Erika Gutiérrez, 1000 Block Beautification Committee, Worship Ministry Luceros del Alba (National                                           Hispanic Heritage Month)

Congo             Recognize Charles Smith, Jr.

b. Sympathy Resolutions

Harlee             Sympathy Alaysia T. Smith
Oliver              Sympathy Tommy Lee Broomer

Public Comment

The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #0465 - Ord. 24-041
3rd & Final Reading
Amend Chapter 4 of the City Code Implementing Stricter Security and Safety Standards for Firearms Retail Stores

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance amends the City’s Building Code in order to require more enhanced safety and security measures for buildings used in whole or in part for the sale of firearms.

Agenda Item #0466 - Ord. 24-042
3rd & Final Reading
Amend Chapter 36 of the City Code to Prohibit Firearms, Components of Firearms, Ammunition, or Explosives from City Buildings and Police Stations

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance prohibits  possessing firearms, components of firearms, ammunition, or  explosives in City buildings or police stations.


Agenda Item #0480 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Approving the Acceptance by the Department of Public of Works of Grant Funds from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to Support the Construction of a Nature-Based Park on the Site of the Former Rodney Street Reservoir

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the  Administration for Council’s review and approval.  This Resolution authorizes the Department of Public Works to accept grant funds in the amount of $500,000.00 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. The grant funds will be used to finance the construction of a nature-based park on the site of the former  Rodney Street Reservoir.


Agenda Item #0481 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Regarding the Wilmington Police Department Commencing an Academy Class

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution  recognizes that the Chief of the Police Department has represented  that the manpower of the Police Department has fallen below  ninety-five percent (95%) of the number of police officers set forth  in the position allocation list attached to the Fiscal Year 2025  annual operating budget ordinance and has drafted a resolution  calling for the commencement of an academy class for the Police  Department.

Agenda Item #0482 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Approving the Police Department’s Grant Application to the State of Delaware Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement (EIDE) Program to Support Drug Investigations

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution  authorizes the Wilmington Police Department’s grant application  to the State of Delaware Emergency Illegal Drug Enforcement  (EIDE) program in the amount of $33,706.08. The proposed grant  funds would be used to support specialized drug investigations  through covering overtime costs. No local matching funds are  required.

Agenda Item #0483 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Approving the Police Department’s Grant Application to the State of Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland Security Fund to Combat Violent Crime to Support Violent Crime Reduction Efforts

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the  Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution  authorizes the Wilmington Police Department’s grant application  to the State of Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland  Security Fund to Combat Violent Crime in the amount of  $402,901.40. The proposed grant funds would be used to cover  overtime costs as part of overall violent crime reduction efforts. No  local matching funds are required.

Agenda Item #0484 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Approving the Police Department’s Grant Application to the State of Delaware State Aid to Local Law Enforcement (SALLE) Program to Provide Advanced and Specialized Training to Officers

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution  authorizes the Wilmington Police Department’s grant application  to the State of Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland  Security for funding from the State Aid to Local Law Enforcement  SALLE) grant program in the amount of $61,839.12. The proposed  grant funding would be used to cover the cost of advanced and  specialized training for police officers. No local matching funds are  required.

Agenda Item #0485 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Approving the Police Department’s Grant Application to the State of Delaware Special Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (SLEAF) to Purchase New Equipment and Support Training for Officers

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This  Resolution authorizes the Wilmington Police Department’s grant  application to the State of Delaware Special Law Enforcement  Assistance Fund in the amount of $91,312. The proposed grant  funds would be used to: (i) purchase a fireworks and  ammunition disposal trailer; (ii) cover the cost of FARO training  for the Police Department’s Traffic Unit and Forensic Services  Unit to support investigators who use FARO hardware and software to  investigate and reconstruct major crime and crash scenes; and (iii)  purchase 17 new motorcycle helmets to replace safety equipment that  has reached the end of its life cycle and is recommended for  replacement. No local matching funds are required. 


Agenda Item #0479 - Res.
To Be Acted Upon
A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to File a Second Substantial Amendment to the City Fiscal Year 2024/Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Action Plan with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the  Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution  authorizes the Mayor, or his designee, to file a Second Substantial  Amendment to the City Fiscal Year 2024/Federal Fiscal Year 2023  Annual Action Plan with the U. S. Department of Housing and  Urban Development, which provides for (i) an allocation of  $300,000 to the First-Start Homebuyers Program with $50,000  for program delivery and (ii) $100,000 of the funding for the Villa  Maria project initially included as a public improvement project  will instead be used for demolition of the buildings on the site.

Agenda Item #0486 - Ord.
1st & 2nd Reading
An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 48 of the City Code to Permit the Cultivation, Manufacture, Testing, and Retail of Recreational Marijuana Within Certain Commercial, Manufacturing, and Waterfront Zoning Districts

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance amends various sections of Chapter 48 of the City Code to permit the cultivation, manufacture, testing, and retail of recreational marijuana within certain commercial, manufacturing, and waterfront zoning districts within the City of Wilmington.

Petitions and Communications


Note:  This meeting will be conducted both in-person and via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. or visit the WITN22 website or WITN YouTube channel at or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 842 2130 7013 and then #.  International numbers available:

Agenda prepared September 26, 2024 and posted on Council’s website,

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