Agenda for Regular Meeting

10/05/2023 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting with Anchor Location In-Person and Remote Participation

Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 N. French Street – Wilmington, DE  19801


Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Committee Reports

Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report 

Non-Legislative Business

a. Recognition Resolutions


            • Recognize ABC Spirit of the Heart Community Leader’s Brunch Forum


            • Recognize Hispanic Heritage Month
            • Recognize Salute to Legendary Riverside Mothers


            • Recognize Hanover Church Food Pantry


            • Recognize Buccini/Pollin Group
            • Recognize Paint the Riverfront Pink Week


            • Recognize Victoria Twardowski (100th Birthday)

b. Sympathy Resolutions


            • Sympathy Elizabeth Ann Burton

Public Comments

The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #0343 - Ord. 23-033
Motion to Refer to the Public Works & Transportation Committee, which this Ordinance was introduced at the Sept. 7, 2023 meeting and initially referred to Community Development & Urban Planning Committee - Referred to PW&T
Amend Chapter 35 of the City Code to Ensure Employees in Retail, Hospitality, and Food Services Establishments are Provided Advance Notice of Their Work Schedules; Compensation for Late Charges to Their Work Schedules; Right to Rest Between Work Shifts; and First-Right of Refusal for Additional Work Shifts (Motion to Refer to the Public Works & Transportation Committee, which this Ordinance was introduced at the Sept. 7, 2023 meeting and initially referred to Community Development & Urban Planning Committee)

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance amends Chapter 35 of the City Code to ensure retail, hospitality, and food services establishments with two-hundred and fifty (250) or more employees are providing their employees with advance notice of their work schedules, compensation for late changes to their work schedules, right to rest  between work shifts, and first-right of refusal for additional work shifts. 

Agenda Item #0352 - Res. 23-060
A Resolution Approving a Grant to the Wilmington Senior Center

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s  review and approval.  This Resolution approves a grant to the Wilmington Senior Center in the amount of $10,000 from the 2nd District Community Support/Discretionary Funds.

Agenda Item #0353 - Res. 23-061
A Resolution to Amend City Council Rules 2 and 11 Requiring Agenda Items Be in Draft Form or Approved as to Form

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution amends City Council Rule 2 to require legislation be in draft form or approved as to form by the Law Department prior to its being placed on the Agenda. Further, this Resolution amends City Council Rule 11 to require any items to be considered at a Committee meeting be in draft form or approved as to form by the Law Department prior to its being placed on the Committee’s agenda.  This Resolution makes exceptions for true emergencies but requires the legislation’s sponsor and/or the Committee Chair to explain the emergency. 



Agenda Item #0354 - Res. 23-062
A Resolution to Amend City Council Rules to Have Additional Public Comment During Legislative Business

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution amends City Council Rule 2 to add the following to the Legislative Business Section of City Council meetings: (1) a public comment period after the close of the initial round of debate by members of City Council during which members of the public will be allowed to comment in increments of three (3) minutes on each legislative item that will be voted on by City Council; and (2) a second round of debate by Council members during which each Council member will be entitled to speak twice on the matter subject to debate for a period of five (5) minutes each time.         



Agenda Item #0248 (Rev. 1) - Ord. 23-029
3rd & Final Reading - HELD
Amend Chapter 2 of the City Code to Create a Procedure Whereby Residents May Petition the Department of Public Works to Conduct Traffic Studies and Install Traffic Calming Devices

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval.  This Ordinance permits twenty-five (25) or more residents of a designated census tract to submit a petition to the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, or their designee, indicating residential street traffic issues that substantially affect the livability and safety of the community and requires the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, or their designee, to conduct a traffic study when certain requirements are satisfied.


Agenda Item #0355 - Ord. 23-035
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to PW&T
An Ordinance to Authorize and Approve Two One-Year Extensions of Contract 23025PW (Concrete Improvements) Between the City of Wilmington and Diamond Materials, LLC

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for  Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to exercise two (2) one-year extension options for Contract 23025PW “Concrete Improvements” with Diamond Materials, LLC.

JOHNSON (Cabrera presented on behalf of Johnson)

Agenda Item #0356 - Ord. 23-036
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to F&ED
An Ordinance to Authorize and Approve an Amendment to the Master Services Agreement Between the City of Wilmington and Paymentus Corporation for an Online Payment Processing and Bill Presentment System

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for  Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to execute an amendment to the Master Services Agreement with Paymentus Corporation for an online payment processing and bill presentment system to: (i) extend the duration of the Master Service Agreement’s initial term for three (3) additional years, with the possibility of two (2) extensions of one (1) year thereafter; (ii) provide that Paymentus Corporation will deliver a standard integration with the City’s CIS vendor, systems, and software at no cost to the City; (iii) revise Schedule A to the Master Services Agreement to increase the fee for direct payments for utility billing and to add an additional service for instant payments (text to pay); and (iv) make some other minor revisions to the language of the Agreement.

Agenda Item #0357 - Ord. 23-037
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to F&ED
An Ordinance to Authorize and Approve a Software License Agreement, Software Implementation Services Agreement, Support and Maintenance Agreement, and Hosting Service Agreement Between the City of Wilmington and Systems & Software, Inc.

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for  Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance authorizes the City to execute four (4) agreements (namely, a Software License Agreement, Software Implementation Services Agreement, Support and Maintenance Agreement, and Hosting Service Agreement) with Systems & Software, Inc. for software and related services for utility billing.

Petitions and Communications


Note:  This meeting will be conducted both in-person and via Zoom. All are welcome to attend. or visit the WITN22 website or WITN YouTube channel at or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 817 2691 8614 and then #.  International numbers available:

Agenda prepared September 28, 2023 and posted on Council’s website,