Agenda for Regular Meeting

10/06/2022 6:30 pm

Virtual Meeting with Anchor Location and Remote Participation
Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 N. French Street – Wilmington, DE  19801

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Approval of Minutes

Committee Reports

Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report

Non-Legislative Business


  • Sympathy former Council Member At-Large Rysheema Dixon


  • Recognize Crystal Baynard Norman
  • Recognize Very Reverend Father Michael Murray


  • Recognize Landlord Engagement Lab Team


  • Recognize Bishop Aretha Morton


  • Sympathy Rose Perkins
  • Recognize Dr. Jackie McCullough


  • Sympathy John Kwiatkowski
  • Sympathy Larry L. Yarbray
  • Recognize I Am My Sister’s Keeper Tea Party


  • Sympathy Edward Maggitti
  • Sympathy Bishop James Odell White, Sr.
  • Recognize Lazarus Educational Services, Inc.
  • Recognize Salute to Legendary Riverside Mothers – Second Edition
  • Sympathy Rev. John Theodore Green, Jr.
  • Sympathy Deborah Crisden-Boone
  • Recognize Pastor Appreciation Month


  • Recognize Lights On Afterschool
  • Recognize Peace Week

The meeting will be open to the public starting at 6pm, so members of the public can sign up to speak. To sign up for Public Comment, members of the public must go to the following website to fill out the information requested. Public Comment will take place after non-legislative business. The President of City Council will recognize speakers in the order listed on the website.

Note: In accordance with the enactment of Delaware General Assembly Senate Bill 94, members of the public are invited to participate in the meeting either in person in the Council Chambers or virtually by accessing the meeting as follows: or visit the WITN22 website or WITN YouTube channel at or listen in only by calling one of the following phone numbers (929) 205-6099 or (301) 715-8592. You will be asked for the Webinar ID. Please enter 845 4731 1499 and then #. International numbers available:

Legislative Business


Agenda Item #0034 (Rev. 1) - Sub. 1 to Ord. 21-021
3rd & Final Reading - PASSED
Amend Chapter 4 of the City Code to Provide for Civil Fines for Owners of Vacant Properties Who Fail to Register Them

Synopsis:  This Substitute Ordinance is being presented by the City Council for Council’s review and approval. The Ordinance approves the institution of civil penalties on property owners who fail to comply with the registration requirements for vacant properties. 

Agenda Item #0181 - Ord. 22-026
3rd & Final Reading - PASSED
Naming the Concord and Madison Triangle as the “Beatres R. Dunn Triangle”

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance names the Concord and Madison triangle as the “Beatres R. Dunn Triangle,” in recognition of Beatres Dunn and her significant contributions to the City of Wilmington.  

Agenda Item #0230 - Ord.
1st & 2nd Reading - HELD
An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 22-031 to Allow Community Support Grants from the Temporary City Council Special Fund to be Made to For-Profit Small Businesses to Mitigate Financial Hardship Arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 22-031 to allow community support grants from the temporary City Council special fund to be made to for-profit small businesses to mitigate financial hardship arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Agenda Item #0231 - Ord. 22-040
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to PS
An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 2, Article III, Division 18 Sections 2-150.80; 2-150.84 and 2-150.85 of the Wilmington City Code Relating to the Citizen Complaint Review Board

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval.  This Ordinance amends the Code provisions establishing the Citizen Complaint Review Board. 


Agenda Item #0215 - Ord. 22-034
3rd & Final Reading - PASSED
Approve the Removal of a Portion of Marsh Lane, Located Between 1175 and 1190 East Seventh Street, from the Official City Map

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval.  This Ordinance authorizes the removal of a portion of Marsh Lane, located between 1175 and 1190 East Seventh Street, from the Official City Map. 

Agenda Item #0232 - Res. 22-064
A Resolution Approving the Department of Public Works’ Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program Application to DEMA to Develop and Evaluate Flood Mitigation Alternatives for the Lower Brandywine Area

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval.  This Resolution authorizes the Department of Public Works’ 2022 Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant program application to the Delaware Emergency Management Agency in the amount of $666,675.00.  The funds will be used to develop and evaluate flood mitigation alternatives for the Lower Brandywine area riverine and tidal flooding and prepare a grant/funding request to implement the proposed alternative(s). 

Agenda Item #0233 - Res. 22-065
A Resolution Approving the Department of Public Works’ Sewer Overflow & Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants Program Application to DNREC to Address Infrastructure Needs in the City Regarding Combined Stormwater and Sewer Overflow

Synopsis:  This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. This Resolution authorizes the Department of Public Works’ grant application to the State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control for funds allocated pursuant to the Sewer Overflow & Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants Program in the amount of $421,250.00.  The funds will be used to reduce combined sewer overflows, mitigate the quantity and quality of stormwater discharge into the Brandywine Creek, and create a greenspace that will benefit the local community. 

Agenda Item #0234 - Ord. 22-041
1st & 2nd Reading - Referred to F&ED
An Ordinance to Require the Creation, Publication and Maintenance of a Revised City of Wilmington Organizational Chart

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval.  This Ordinance provides for a revised Organizational Chart for the City of Wilmington that includes photographs of City Council, the Mayor’s Office, Treasurer, Auditor, all administrative Department heads and Divisions Directors, and all Boards and Commissions. 


Agenda Item #0217 - Ord. 22-036
3rd & Final Reading - PASSED
Rename the 4th and Rodney “Tot Lot” After Pastor Lottie Lee- Davis

Synopsis:  This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval.  This Ordinance renames the 4th and Rodney “Tot Lot” as the “Lottie Lee-Davis Tot Lot.” 


Agenda Item #0211 (Rev. 1) - Sub. 1 to Ord. 22-032
3rd & Final Reading - HELD As Amended
Amend Chapter 4 of the City Code to Create Payment Structure for Licensing Fees for Stationary Engineers and Firemen and to Reduce the Number of Persons on the Board of Examining Engineers from Three to Two

Synopsis:  This Substitute Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. This Substitute Ordinance amends Chapter 4 of the City Code by establishing fee structures for residents and nonresidents.  Further, it reduces the Board of Examining Engineers from three members to two. 

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