Message from President Shabazz- 3/20/20
Hello Wilmington,
These are certainly unusual times, but we are all in this together. As a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, I can not stress enough the importance of everyone taking the necessary precautions to stay safe and well.
In my capacity as your City Council President, I and the members of Council want to do what we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19, ensure that we are supporting those on the front lines addressing this pandemic and that we are exploring all options to assist those in need.
Following the Governor’s State of Emergency order authorizing local governments to conduct business remotely, our office immediately started exploring options for video teleconferencing. I would like to thank all members of the Council staff and WITN 22 who worked around the clock to ensure that last night’s virtual City Council meeting was a success.
We had over 100 people tuning in and participating through YouTube, telephone and Zoom! It is amazing what we can accomplish with ingenuity and technology. You can find the agenda results to last night’s meeting here.
Our next virtual meeting will be held Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 6:00 pm in which the Mayor will give his budget address. The full agenda and the link to the meeting are posted here.
To ensure the safety and well being of our staff and the public, the Wilmington City Council’s office will be closed. We will continue to work remotely. Feel free to contact us through our main phone number (302) 576-2140, or through our website Lastly, we have created a page on the City Council website where we will continue to post the most up-to-date information as we receive it.
Remember to tune in to Comcast channel 22 or visit WITN22 for all of your city news. Be safe and stay vigilant Wilmington. As we all partake in this new reality of social distancing, take time to enjoy your loved ones, take a walk in the park, read a good book or catch up on your favorite movies and shows. I made a short video with some friendly reminders for all of us and over the coming weeks I’ll share with you what I am doing while camped out at home!
In Service,