View Meetings

The 108th Session of Wilmington City Council gather in the Council Chambers on May 18, 2023.
Photo by Yesenia Taveras, Director of Communications for Wilmington City Council.

Join us for our upcoming Wilmington City Council and Committee meetings. You can participate in several ways: on our Facebook page here, on WITN22 YouTube page here, online at, on TV by tuning in to Comcast Channel 22, or via Zoom.

Citizens wishing to be heard on issues are encouraged to voice their concerns at the appropriate meeting.

To view the agenda, agenda items, and instructions on how you can join the meeting via Zoom, visit our Events Calendar here and click on the meeting you’re interested in joining.

To watch archived City Council Regular Meetings, visit the link here.

To watch archived City Council Committee Meetings, visit the link here.

To watch all meetings LIVE online during the scheduled times, visit the link here.