Wilmington City Council Agenda for the Meeting of Thursday, July 14, 2016
Council will begin a month-long recess after Thursday’s meeting and resume its summer schedule with meetings on August 18 and 25
Wilmington City Council President Theo Gregory, on behalf of all Members of Council, invites citizens to attend the next meeting of City Council which will be held Thursday, July 14, 2016 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the first floor of the Louis L. Redding City/County Building. Citizens unable to attend are invited to view the meeting live on WITN, Channel 22 or online live and on replay at WITN22.org.
City Council will begin a month-long recess following Thursday’s meeting and will resume its summer meeting schedule with two meetings in August on the 18th and 25th of the month.
The following City Council agenda includes a synopsis of each Ordinance or Resolution so citizens are better able to follow the proceedings of Council. You can view and download a complete copy of any Council Ordinance or Resolution by visiting the City’s website at www.WilmingtonDE.gov/ccagenda.
The agenda for the July 14 meeting is as follows beginning with the name of the sponsoring Council Member:
THEO GREGORY (Trippi Congo presenting on behalf of Theo Gregory)
A Resolution Establishing a Council Organization Commission to Conduct a Review of City Council’s Structure and Organization and Make Findings and Recommendations to this Council within 180 Days of its Appointment
Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be establishing the Council Organization Commission (COC), a five-member advisory group appointed by the Council President and comprised of Wilmington residents who are currently not holding and/or seeking public office. The mission of the COC would be to update the 30-year old report of the 1987 Council Compensation Commission, which laid out a formula for periodic updates to the compensation plan for citizens who serve as Members of City Council. The COC is further charged with reviewing the structure and functions of the Council. Specifically, the COC would recommend the appropriate number of Council Members based on current and historic population totals and needs of City residents, the appropriate number of district and at-large member positions; whether the Council President position should continue to be a part-time position or become a full-time position with appropriate compensation; and the reasonableness of establishing staggered Council terms of office. The COC is charged with issuing a report within 180 days of its appointment. The report would be presented to the 107th Session of Council which convenes in January of 2017 for its consideration. Any part or parts of the report that are accepted and enacted by the 107th Session would become effective beginning in January of 2021 when the 108th Session of the Council convenes.
An Ordinance Requiring Developers That Receive Financial Assistance from the City of Wilmington on Residential Construction Projects to Require Their Construction Contractors to Hire Workers from City-Approved Job Training Program (1st & 2nd Reading)
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be requiring developers that receives financial assistance from the City of Wilmington for residential projects to require their construction contractors to hire workers from a City-approved training program. Financial assistance under this Ordinance also includes tax abatements, tax credits and donation of property.
A Resolution Extending the Time for Review by the City Planning Commission of Ordinance No. 16-028 (Wilmington Finishing Company) for an Additional Ninety (90) Days Through and Including November 4, 2016
Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be extending until November 4, 2016 the date by which the City Planning Commission has to review and comment on Ordinance 16-028 which would authorize amendments to the City Building Zone Map. Specifically, the Ordinance addresses four parcels of land located in Rockford Falls on the Brandywine River which are currently zoned C-6 or Special Commercial District. Three of the parcels would be rezoned to W-4 or Waterfront Residential Commercial District and the fourth parcel would be rezoned to R-3 or One-Family Row Houses.
A Resolution Approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the City of Wilmington and the Wilmington Firefighters Local 1590, International Association of Firefighters, for the Period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2016
Synopsis: This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be expressing its support for a new, four-year collective bargaining agreement which the Administration has negotiated with IAFF Local 1590, the union representing City firefighters. The agreement is effective retroactively to July 1, 2012 and expired on June 30, 2016. The agreement provides for pay increases for firefighters as well as a revised schedule for firefighter contributions to the cost of City-provided health benefits. The projected $1.2 million retroactive (for FY 2013, 2014, and 2015) cost of the agreement will be funded from the City’s unassigned fund balance while the remaining anticipated cost ($171,000) for the current fiscal year will be funded from the projected FY 2017 surplus.
An Ordinance Constituting Amendment No. 1 to the Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget (Being an Ordinance to Amend Substitute No. 1 to Ordinance No. 16-018, As Amended) By Making Changes to the Fiscal Year 2017 Position Allocation List for the Human Resources Department and Executive and Managerial Salary Structure Matrix (1st & 2nd Reading)
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing a budget amendment to FY 2017 Operating Budget for the purpose of allowing the Administration to make certain changes to the Position Allocation List pertaining to the Department of Human Resources and to the City’s executive and managerial salary structure and matrix.
An Ordinance Authorizing Capital Projects of the City of Wilmington Relating to Street Paving and Reconstruction; Authorizing the Issuance of the City’s General Obligation Bond Anticipation Note, in Order to Provide the Funds Necessary for Such Projects; Providing for the Sale of the Bonds or the Note; and Authorizing Other Necessary Action (1st & 2nd Reading)
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Administration to borrow up to $6 million through the issuance of General Obligation Bonds and a General Obligation Bond Anticipation Note to finance repairs and improvements of various streets and roadways. The estimated cost to issue the Bonds or Note is approximately $25,000 which is also funded through this Ordinance.
Ord. 16-036
Amend Chapter 5 of the Wilmington City Code Relating to Mandatory Landlord Training as a Condition for Rental Business Licenses (3rd & Final Reading)
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing an amendment to Chapter 5 of the City Code to require mandatory training/certification for landlords as a condition for landlords to receive a license from the City to rent properties. Property owners, operators and lessors who complete a comprehensive City-approved training will receive written proof of the completion which can be used to obtain or renew a City business license. The Ordinance intends that such a landlord training program will promote better relationships among landlords, tenants and police and help to prevent illegal activities in rental properties throughout the City.
Ord. 16-037
Amend Chapter 4 of the City Code Regarding Amendments to the International Building Code of 2012 (3rd & Final Reading)
Synopsis: This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing an amendment to Chapter 4 of the City Code regarding the International Building Code of 2012. Specifically, this Ordinance would add provisions to the code related to City inspections of elevators.
For more information about this news release, contact:
John Rago
Communications and Policy Development Director
Wilmington City Council
Phone: (302) 576-2149
Mobile: (302) 420-7928
Email: jrago@WilmingtonDE.gov