Women of Council Wear Black in Support of #MeToo and #TimesUp Movement
Wilmington, Del. – Council President Dr. Hanifa Shabazz, today, announced that the women of Council, supported by their male counterparts, will wear black for tonight’s regular meeting of Wilmington City Council. The gesture is meant to show support for the anti-sexual harassment #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, sexual assault survivors, as well as to condemn misconduct in all industries, including government.
President Shabazz issued the following statement:
“This is an historic moment for our Country as victims of sexual harassment – from Hollywood to Washington, entertainers to services workers, state houses to courthouses – are coming forward,” said President Shabazz. “Tonight, the women of council stand in solidarity to show our support for the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, the January 2018 Women’s Marches and to join with legislators around the country to stand up against sexism, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment. This movement has also brought to light other pervasive problems like verbal and emotional abuse and harassment in the workplace – and we stand in support of those victims as well.”